WordPress Support

Browse our self-service support guides for help with WordPress.

Add an FTP account

FTP or file transfer protocol is useful when you want to transfer large amounts of files from a server. An FTP client, for instance, FileZilla lets you connect directly to a cPanel or Plesk account via an FTP connection. Why do I need separate FTP accounts? After you have purchased any of our hosting plans, […]

Create a MySQL database

MySQL is a relational database management system or RDBMS. Within cPanel, MySQL supports backend operation by allowing authorized access and manipulation of a database through SQL queries. Firstly, without a database, content management system-type applications could not function. These applications include WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. This is because, databases are a critical element in LAMP-style […]

Deploy a backup [UD]

Deploy WordPress backup; Now that you’ve made your WordPress backup, you need to know how to deploy it. This procedure is relatively simple and is almost the backup process in reverse. There are many reasons to deploy a backup of your site, the main being: user error (accidental deletion) or an issue with a plugin or […]

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