Web Hosting Support

Browse our self-service support guides for help with Web Hosting.

Make a contact form

A contact form is easy to create and integrate into an existing website. Simple contact forms can be very beneficial for most websites. They enable simple communication between yourself and any visitors to your site. Contact forms for WordPress There are a few ways to take advantage of a contact form. If you’re currently using […]

Configure my SSL certificate

SSL Certificates at Unlimited Before you can install your SSL, you need to first configure it. This configuration will tie your new SSL to your domain name and the server it is hosted on via the selected validation method. Your SSL needs to be configured configuration your SSL certificate cannot be installed. Configure your SSL […]

View access logs

Within Plesk’s Apache logs browser feature, there are a few different types of Apache logs. Each log type has a distinct purpose and if utilised correctly can help troubleshoot any server problems that might arise. You might be trying to track down why a site suddenly went down. Checking the log type below will determine […]

Install an SSL certificate

By securing your domain through an SSL certificate, you reassure visitors to your website of both it’s security and authenticity. Customers feel safer and, thus, are more willing to shop or sign up there. There are 3 main types of SSL Certificate : Install SSL with cPanel. You can install a certificate in cPanel in […]

Generate a Certificate Signing Request

A CSR or Certificate Signing request is a critical part of attaining an SSL/TLS certificate. The CSR itself is generated on and used by the same server for which the certificate is intended. It contains information that the Certificate authority (CA) will use to create the certificate for your website, including the common name (domain […]

Add an FTP account

FTP or file transfer protocol is useful when you want to transfer large amounts of files from a server. An FTP client, for instance, FileZilla lets you connect directly to a cPanel or Plesk account via an FTP connection. Why do I need separate FTP accounts? After you have purchased any of our hosting plans, […]

Create a MySQL database

MySQL is a relational database management system or RDBMS. Within cPanel, MySQL supports backend operation by allowing authorized access and manipulation of a database through SQL queries. Firstly, without a database, content management system-type applications could not function. These applications include WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. This is because, databases are a critical element in LAMP-style […]

Install a free SSL certificate [UD]

Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates are great, at Unlimited Web Hosting we take your security seriously. As a result, we provide Let’s Encrypt functionality across all of our cPanel hosting and Plesk hosting web servers including for our Resellers, who can secure all their clients for free, forever. We support both standard and Wildcard SSL certificates […]

Create a backup [UD]

In a hurry? Skip to the guide Importance of backing up  WordPress is a powerful website builder featuring both back & front end functionality through a CMS. Many CMS-type website builders exist, but WordPress is, without doubt, the most popular.  Creating a WordPress Backup is an important part of running a WordPress site. Regularly scheduled […]

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