Generate a Certificate Signing Request

A CSR or Certificate Signing request is a critical part of attaining an SSL/TLS certificate.

The CSR itself is generated on and used by the same server for which the certificate is intended. It contains information that the Certificate authority (CA) will use to create the certificate for your website, including the common name (domain name), organization name, country, and contact details. Alongside a public key, this public key has a corresponding private key, which the CA uses to decrypt and read the information.

Don’t have an SSL certificate already? Purchase an SSL certificate now!

cPanel guide

Customers with cPanel Hosting or a cPanel VPS can generate a CSR through their cPanel control panel. 

1. First, log in to your cPanel control, from here you can navigate to the security section.
cPanel security area SSL/TLS
cPanel Security Area
2. After navigating to the security section, click on the SSL/TLS. From this area, you can manage all certificates, including generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) request. Click on “Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests”, to continue.
cPanel certificate signing request in SSL/TLS
SSL/TLS area
3. To configure your CSR, you will need to provide information on the domain/s it will be used with the FQDN or fully qualified domain name. Once you have entered all of these details, click Generate to create your CSR.
generate csr code
CSR Generator
4. This prompt will appear if your CSR is generated successfully.
certificate signing request created successfully

Plesk guide

Customers with Plesk hosting or a Plesk VPS can generate a CSR through their Plesk control panel by following the below steps: 

1. Firstly, log in to your Plesk control panel. 2. Afterwards, navigate to SSL/TLS certificates for your domain.
plesk domain area ssl/tls
3. Click Add SSL/TLS certificate.
Plesk certificate installer
Plesk certificate installer
4. Enter the requested information I.E State, Location, Organisation name, and Domain name.
plesk csr personal details
Enter your details
5. Click Request
Plesk generate CSR
Click Request
6. If using the basic certificate, enter your domain with the “www” prefix to ensure the certificate covers both the www and non-www versions of your site. 7. You now have a CSR which you can use to set up your SSL certificate and get your site secure.