If you’re curious about who owns a domain or want to check its registration details including when it expires, running a WHOIS query is the way to go. The most common methods of performing a lookup are either using an online lookup tool or using a terminal
Are you looking for the perfect name for your website, project or business? Use our Domain Checker to find a name that fits. It’s as simple as entering your desired name and searching, if your domain is available, add it to your basket and complete the
A Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is a complete domain name that directs traffic to a specific device or service within a network. It provides a clear path across a network or the internet instead of relying on an IP address. FQDNs map to both web and
Nameservers exist to make navigating the internet easier. They contain specific information pertaining to a domain’s DNS records, which guide requests to the relevant services, including the website itself via A and AAAA records but also Email via MX.
When you purchase a domain name, you become the domain registrant. That means the registrar has notified the registry, you have full control over that domain name for a specified period. This period is how long you have registered the domain; it can be as