Why keywords matter for SEO
Posted June 22, 2020 by Lee
If you have some knowledge of Search Engine Optimisation, you will know how important search keywords are, in order to rank your website in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).
Keywords should lie within the foundations of your SEO strategy and without thorough research using the correct tools you could be setting your website up to fail in the long run.
Here are some great reasons on why keywords STILL matter for SEO.
Keywords Drive traffic to specific URLs
Optimising your pages with relevant keywords is an absolute must, but be careful not to overdo it. Keyword research is essential beforehand, rather than including the same keyword on your page over and over again you could use a strategy called ‘Keyword Grouping’. This is the process of finding other terms with search volume that are relevant to your orginal term. You can find more resources on keyword grouping here.
When you are brainstorming which keywords to include within your website, you want to make sure you are able to pin down keywords that are well searched for, but still super relevant to your website. To get you started, I have included a list of tools that are completely free to use below:
I have included more information about my favourite keyword tool, Google keyword planner towards the end of this post.
Keywords are the Link between SEO and Buyers
The first (and most important) step in your SEO campaign will be to create a comprehensive list of keywords. Though tedious sometimes, it is , however, worthwhile making sure that your keywords are as relevant as possible.
Use your top keywords in your most visited pages/areas on your website. This can vary from titles, body text, tags, and blog contents. Keywords are essential, but only if you put them to use.
Keywords can also be used within images, for example by entering your keywords within the image title and alt tags will signal to what the image is and what your website is about.
What Are Short Tail And Long Tail Keywords?
A short tail keyword is a short term containing three words or less. Examples are “Athletic apparel,” “engagement ring,” or “DVD player.” They can even be what you think before you decide where to eat (“Chinese cuisine,” “pizza delivery,”).
However, a long-tail keyword is somewhat different. Phrases of more than three words are long-tail phrases. They are far more targeted, not so broad. You may not pull in as much traffic for long-tail keyword—but traffic is usally the type you need.
They keywords inlcude the likes of “super Blu Ray HD DVD combo player,” “summer women’s athletic apparel,” or “white diamond engagement ring.”
You need to understand that you have a web business because you want to make money—not for people to click to your site and run after that. Get the keywords to do the magic and find a way to make them buy.
It is critical to implement what is best for you and your small business. You want to save money, of course, and you want a web presence that is as large as possible.
Keywords Tools
Google AdWords: Keyword Planner
This free keyword tool has been the favorite for businesses over the years. The Google Keyword Planner is not only an excellent choice to launch a new website, but also a best friend to expand and create more content.
AdWord & SEO Keyword Permutation Generator
Are you finding it difficult to uncover new keywords in your research?
This is the challenge you may face when launching a new website. You do not know where to go, even if you know the top keywords in your niche. And that can be a problem as you create more content. That is where the Adword & SEO Keyword Permutation Generator comes in.
Google Correlate
Nothing is better than to seek guidance directly from the source. And Google, once again, is the source. Google Correlate is often ignored and can produce an extensive list of keywords with high strength.
IMforSMB Bulk Keyword Generator
For any website, some keyword tools are perfect. Others, however, perfectly fit for specific sites. The IMforSMB bulk keyword generator can be used here. This tool is ideally suited to local service providers, as it is designed to find local keywords.
If you think keywords have lost their value in SEO, then you must be leaving under the cave. A fine mix of long and short tail keywords may be what you need to take your site up the SERPS. Implement SEO best practices, and very soon you’ll be rubbing shoulders with the “big boys.”
Categories: SEO
About The Author
Lee is a Website Developer at Unlimited Web Hosting UK Limited.